Level Up in process applying social enterprise license under KUSKOP, Malaysia. Target Beneficiaries are kids & teenagers age between 13-29 years old, underserve, poor (B40) who live in rural area in Sabah (Borneo). We empower them in skills such as digital & entrepreneurship in order them to sustain even in rural area. normally kids in rural area go to school until age of 12 then stop. Thus, we are firmly believe in SDG 4 Quality Education , SDG 8 decent work & economic growth & SDG 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. We have doing about a year with more than 300 participants across Borneo. Therefore, we need raising fund to equip target beneficiaries with laptop, internet connection (eg starlink), skills trainers, transportation and other expense related. Then the next phase, we empower leadership such as mentorship so they can be influence leader to their community in the rural area.
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